


My job takes me to many places all over the western part of the Smokey mountains.  I have worked from west of Kimble TN to south of Dalton GA all the way to Canton NC.  It has been such a blessing to do this job.  There are so many places that I would not have seen had it not been for this job.

There are houses that are tiny and some that are 5,000 sq ft and more.  One day I was in the Highlands of NC measuring a house for flooring and had to move my car so the delivery driver could deliver a stuffed bear.  It was placed inside the home on top of a kitchen cabinet !?  OK I thought,  this will collect a lot of dust!

One time I had to go way up the mountain Robbinsville to Little Snow Bird RD. Maps indicated that it was a rough road.  I asked the customer several times if my Prius would make it up the road, “no problem said the customer”.   It was without a doubt the worst road I have traveled in all the years doing this job.  As the road narrowed down to a pig trail I knew this was going to be trouble.  Keep in mind I am 11 miles down a gravel road with absolutely no signal of any kind.  On the way down the road I passed a guy on a tractor doing grading work.  There was a house where I turned to go up to the customers house.  I get to the customers house and there is no power, they are off grid.  I get the house measured and go to leave.  I have a low tire indicator on my screen, hum!  When I get to the end of the pig trail to the main gravel road, I have two flat tires.  No one in site and the house is a mile down the pig trail.  The mountains can be scary when you are out in the middle of nowhere with no service.  So I head down the road to the customers house to get some kind of help.  With the grace of God I was able to make one phone call!  Got a hold of one of my bosses to reach my husband for me.  The customer takes me back to my car but does not offer to change one of the tires!  What a man!!!!!

As I am putting the only spare tire on,   the guy with the tractor comes down the road.  I was stopped at his house.  Because one tire was punctured on the side, it couldn’t be fixed.  The other tire was punctured at the bottom and he was able to plug it.  He had all the tools needed.  He got me on my way! God bless him!

Passed my husband on the main road and he followed me to Wal-Mart to have my tires fixed.  I have always gotten tires from Wal-Mart because of the warranties.  Got two new tires for the fraction of the cost due to the warranties I had on my tires.  Needless to say I learned my lesson about Little Snow Bird Rd.

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