

One of my very first jobs was at a grocery store is Florida called Winn Dixie.  I put my first stereo on layaway when I got my job.  A couple years later I was able to get a loan and bought my first car.  A red Toyota Corolla. I loved that car.  Can’t remember why my oldest brother got a hold of it but,  he wrecked it and that was the end of that car. Very sad. :-(……

I got my first crush on a collage student working at the store.   I was a senior in high school he was a sophomore in collage.  I would leave a little note with a saying or a poem on his time sheet so he would get it when he clocked in. He had a girlfriend so didn’t have much of a chance but,  it was fun. Boy those were the good ole days.  Went to my first toga party at a frat house of a friend of his.  Was that a wild night.  I will never forget when I sat my glass of beer on a table and the top was not there.  Crash it went to the ground.  Guess someone had already broken the glass top. He went on to graduate and left the store.

Met a girl while working at Winn Dixie who was a wild child.  At a whim we took of to Panama City Beach.  Didn’t have anywhere reserved to stay.  Just went to the beach.  We hooked up with some guys that were on leave from boot camp.  She stayed in the hotel room with the guys and I slept on the beach.  I had never done that and thank God he made sure I stayed safe.  I got up the next morning and had to drag her from the room and haul butt back home to Tallahassee.  What a wild time. I think at times we were doing over a hundred miles an hour to get back in time for work.  Not sure what ever became of her.  She was wild but very sweet.

Got transferred to a store on the southside of town.  We would go in early to get the trucks unloaded for the day.  I pulled up to park early one morning and this guy pulls up next to me,  I thought it was someone who worked there as well,  I rolled my window down to say good morning and he asked if I wanted to go full around!  WHAT?  I pulled out of the parking space and parked right in front of the doors until someone else showed up to go in.  I actually started my managerial training at this store.  Was a head cashier, starting working in Dairy/Frozen food.  Went from there to another store as stock crew manager.  Now that was some wild times.  We worked mainly at night to stock all the new groceries that had come in.  So many stories about that position.  We had to work on New Years Eve on time so when we got done I had bought some Champaign and we all had some in the parking lot of the grocery store.

Check back for more stories.

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